
This guide is all about getting RoxMod up and running smoothly on your Operating systems, perfect for setting up your personal server at home or a dedicated server on a Virtual Private Server.

Before you start installing the mod, it's important to make sure your SOF2 folder is clean. This means removing any other mods or modifications that might interfere with the RoxMod's proper functioning. Alternatively, you can simply download a clean copy of SOF2.

Supported OS
Debian and Ubuntu are officially supported, while compatibility with other distributions has not been verified.
Support spans Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and onwards.

Installing the Mod on Linux

Installing the mod on Linux is as easy as downloading and extracting the files into the SOF2 directory. Once you have downloaded a clean copy of the SOF2 folder, you can extract the roxmodlinux.tar.gz file into the SOF2 root directory.


Once you have downloaded and installed the mod, ensure that you make the sof2ded executable and script in the RPM Directory executable by running chmod +x.


Please keep in mind that there may be instances where the patches fail to apply at runtime. To resolve this issue, you can edit the /etc/sysctl.d/10-ptrace.conf file (create it if it doesn't exist yet) and add the following line: kernel.yama.ptrace_scope = 0.

Installing the Mod on Windows

Just like on Linux before proceeding to install the Mod, make sure you have a clean copy of the SOF2 folder. Once this is done, simply extract the RoxMod files into the SoF2 directory and click on "Start DLL Server.bat" file to start your server.

windowsinstall windowsinstall

Server Management

RoxMod is fully customizeable and you will find many easy ways to manage your server.

Admin System

The admin system isn't anything brand new and should be quite familiar to you, it's straightforward and manageable.

There are 2 ways of calling an admin command : in the chat (short command) by using "!shortcommand", or in the console by using "/adm longcommand".

Chat Command !tba 1 10 wallhack will ban the player with ID 1 for 10 days due to wallhack.

Console Command /adm timeban 1 10 wallhack will ban the player with ID 1 for 10 days due to wallhack.

Admin Commands list

Short Command Long Command First Argument Second Argument Third Argument Description
ml maplist Player's ID / Name List of maps on the server
gl gametypelist Player's ID / Name List of gametypes on the server
bug Report a bug in the mod
hdr hider Player's ID / Name Transform a player into a Hider
skt seeker Player's ID / Name Transform a player into a Seeker
hpy happy Player's ID / Name Make a player happy
nad nades Player's ID / Name Give a player grenades
m4 m4 Player's ID / Name Give a player an M4
mm1 mm1 Player's ID / Name Give a player an MM1
dmap devmap #mapname (gametype) Set a specific map (With Cheats Enabled)
amap altmap #altmap (gametype) Set a specific alternative modified map
map #map (gametype) Set a specific map
cv cancelvote Cancel the current vote
pv passvote Force the current vote to pass
ft forceteam Player's ID / Name <team> Force a player's team
pa pause Pause the game
uc uppercut Player's ID / Name Uppercut a player
tm timemute Player's ID / Name #time Mute a player
um unmute Player's ID / Name Unmute a player
ro runover Player's ID / Name Run over a player with your car
pl plant Player's ID / Name Plant a player into the ground
upl unplant Player's ID / Name Unplant a player
up unpause Player's ID / Name Unpause the game
ba ban Player's ID / Name reason Permanent ban a player
tba timeban Player's ID / Name #days #reason Temporary ban a player
sb subnetban Player's ID / Name reason Subnet ban a player
ub unban #line ID Unban an IP from the server
su subnetunban #line ID Unban a Subnet IP from the server
ab addbadmin Player's ID / Name password Give Basic Admin Power
aa addadmin Player's ID / Name password Give Admin Power
as addsadmin Player's ID / Name password Give Server Admin Power
ra removeadmin Player's ID / Name password Remove Admin Powers
acl addclan Player's ID / Name Add to the Clan members list
rcl removeclan Player's ID / Name Remove a member from the list
et eventeams Equilibrate teams
sw swap Change teams
cva clanvsall Clan Members vs Others
rs respawn Player's ID / Name Respawn a player
tw twist Player's ID / Name Twist a player
utw untwist Player's ID / Name Untwist a player
adl addleader Player's ID / Name Add a team leader
rl removeleader Player's ID / Name Remove a team leader
mr maprestart Restart the map
gr gametyperestart Restart the round
gt gametype gametype Set a specific gametype
g gametype gametype Set a specific gametype
mc mapcycle mapcycle Set a specific mapcycle
fl flash Player's ID / Name Flash a player
bl banlist List of banned clients
sbl subnetbanlist List of subnet banned clients
adr adminremove #line ID password Remove a user from the adminlist
al adminlist List of Admins
aplr adminremovepass #line ID Remove user from passadmin list
apl adminpasslist List of passworded Admins
clm clearmap Clears all extra map entities
clr clanlistremove #line ID Remove Clan member from the list
cl clanlist List of Clan members
fx jail Player's ID / Name #reason Put a player in jail
sh shuffle Pick random teams
cm compmode Competition Mode: On/Off
fd fallingdamage Falling Damage: On/Off
ff friendlyfire Friendly Fire: On/Off
con cheatson Enable the cheats
cof cheatsoff Disable the cheats
gf goldenflag 5 min to capture the victory flag
cp anticamp Anti Camp: On/Off
nn nonades Nades: On/Off
nl nolower Lower: Allowed/Denied access
nr noroof Roof: Allowed/Denied access
nw nowhole Whole map: Allowed/Denied access
sl scorelimit #number Set the maximum scorelimit
tl timelimit #number Set the maximum timelimit
ri respawninterval #number Set the time needed to respawn
rn rename Player's ID / Name newname Change the player's name
nd normaldamage Set damage to normal mode
rd realdamage Set damage to real mode
bc broadcast #text Display a global message
3d third Third Person: On/Off
3c thirdcross Third Crosshair: On/Off
ul unlock team UnLock a team
l lock team Lock a team
k kick Player's ID / Name #reason Kick a player
b burn Player's ID / Name Set a player on fire
p pop Player's ID / Name Dismember a player
st strip Player's ID / Name Give only 1 knife to a player
m mute Player's ID / Name Mute a player

Admin levels

For example, if you want to elevate the permission level of an admin command, such as restricting the "kick" command from being usable by admins at level 3 or below, and instead make it accessible only to admins at level 4, you can do so effortlessly.

  • [0] No Admin
  • [2] B-Admin
  • [3] Admin
  • [4] S-Admin
  • [5] RCON
  1. Check and edit the ServerConfig.cfg file.
  2. Modify the admin command levels in the file.


Setting the admin level to 0 will disable the admin command.

Managing Admins

We use the sqlite3 backend for managing admins. Admins are stored in the users.db file, which is located in the users folder. You can easily edit the tables yourself. We recommend downloading a database browser for SQLite. This is only necessary if you want to manage the admins offline. Otherwise, you can use the provided commands in the game to add and remove admins (such as addadmin, adminlist).

Passworded Admins

RoxMod supports passworded admins as a solution for players with dynamic IP addresses.

You can enable the passworded admins system in the ServerConfig.cfg file by setting the parameter g_passwordAdmins "1".

  1. Once enabled, you can add an admin with password by adding the "pass" argument at the end (e.g: "!aa #id pass).
  2. The player matching #id number will then be assigned a custom password set by you in the ServerConfig.cfg according to the admin level value (in this case: g_adminPass).
  3. Once this is done, the player will be able to change its password to a custom one in-game.
Console Commands
ATTENTION Please be aware that the playertag has to match the name in the database. If you change your tag, the login will no longer work.
/adm password serverpass This command will log in with the password that is set in the ServerConfig.cfg. It is always required when adding the player to the admin passlist for the first time.
/adm password serverpass newpassword You can change the current password set by the server owner to a custom one (your own).


Server owners should carefully select who to grant passworded admin access to. Since the admins are not based on IP but rather checked with their playertags, if other users gain access to their password, they can rename themselves and log in with the password.

Bad Words Filter System

To ensure that playing the game is only about fun, we decided to implement a basic Anti Bad Words system. The idea is to set up a list of words that you want to be banned from the server. Every time a player is using this word, it is replaced by "*" characters in the chat.

To enable this, activate the "g_noBadWords" parameter in your ServerConfig file, then add words in the badwords.db file inside of "users" folder, use any database editor (like db browser) to modify the file.

Mapcycle System

You can define a default map that your server will start on, but you can also set up a complete mapcycle to allow players to play different maps. To do so, simply uncomment (remove "//" characters) in from of the mapcycle commands in your ServerConfig and choose the mapcycle used.

Here below, find an example of how to set up a mapcycle for your server


Sounds System

The mod features a sound cache system that enables the utilization of more than 256 sounds, allowing players to effectively add up to 300 sounds.

When adding extra sounds to the RPMRox.vchat file, players can easily locate a specific sound by using the command /extrasounds followed by the sound name.


Scrim System

RoxMod offers a fully customizable Competition Mode that allows to set up matches between teams easily.

Setting up a match

To start a match, use the "!cm" (chat) or "/adm compmode" (console) command, make sure the settings are as you want and restart the map ("!mr"):

compmode settings

Team Commands

A comprehensive list of Team Commands can be found during Competition Mode by writing "/tcmd" in console:

compmode team commands

Custom Gametypes

Besides providing standard gametypes such as Infiltration, Capture The Flag, ... we also want to offer players the possibility to play different gametypes that bring more fun to the game. Here is a list of custom gametypes that you can play.

Hide & Seek

Hide & Seek is currently being the most popular Gametype on SoFII. It was first introduced to players back in 2007 by 2k3Servers (an old gameserver hoster).

There are two sides: Hiders and Seekers. The first ones must hide and survive till the end of the round. The second ones need to kill the most hiders they can.


Cops & Robbers

This gametype's purpose is for the Cops to catch the Robbers and for the Robbers to stay out of the Jail till the time goes over.

It is similar to Hide & Seek, except that Robbers don't die, they are simply put in jail and can escape from it either by slicing cops or being sliced by the free robbers. Knives are also special because you can jump on them once thrown.



Most of you know the Demolition gametype from 2k3servers, other games or just from SoFII GOLD, we decided to bring it back to SoFII 1.00 (full version).

This gametype is not only fun, but it's also cool for people that like to scrim : blue team must get a bomb and plant it at one of two sites to win the round. The red team must defend both sites and prevent the bomb from going off by either eliminating the blue team before the bomb is planted or defusing the bomb.


Gun Game

Gun Game is a replica from counter strike. This gametype is new on SoFII so we recommend you to check it out.

Players are spawned everywhere on the map with a knife and a pistol. Each time you kill 5 players, you get a new weapon. The goal is to reach the last weapon (RPG7) and kill 5 players. Each time you get killed with a knife (sliced), your weapon is downgraded. If you enable gg_Extra, when you get a heavier weapon, your speed will decrease.

It can be played either as Deathmatch or Team Deathmatch style (according to gg_Style parameter).



There is an infection ! If you get killed by a zombie, you get transformed into one of them.

Each time you kill a zombie, he will drop a weapon/ammo. Last humans alive at the end of the round win.
