SoF2 - v1.02t, v1.00, v1.03, v1.02

Please note: The chart provides a partial representation of SOF2 traffic as it exclusively reflects data from the Masterserver, and bot traffic is also not excluded.

Incoming traffic is displayed for past 3 weeks

Peak traffic within the last 3 weeks: 194

Incoming traffic is displayed for past 12 hours

Peak traffic within the last 12 hours: 194

Total Online Servers in the past 2 weeks

Peak Online Servers within the last 2 weeks: 0

How we fetch the statistic?

We're basically checking the SOF2 masterserver, the data is fetched from "" From there, we're collecting information about all the game servers and how many players are currently online on each server.
After that, we're crunching the numbers to figure out the player counts at specific dates and times. The results are neatly organized and stored in a JSON format, and we present this data visually using charts. We're looking at different time periods for our analysis, specifically
the past three weeks, the last 12 hours, and the previous two weeks. This helps us get a view of the game's activity over time.