About us

About The Developers

The RoxMod project was developed by Aljaz (or better known as Shoke), from Slovenia, and Benjamin (or better known as juSty), from France.
The two developers, who are good friends, met while working on separate projects for the same game. Inspired to create something new, they decided to join forces to create a new mod.

About The Projects

The Rox Mod project has been in development since 2010, with the goal of providing players with a feature-rich and stable gaming experience.
Initially, the project aimed to create a copycat version of 2k3Servers. However, as the project progressed, we shifted our focus and
began incorporating features from the 1fx Mod. The result is a mod that is constantly updated and improved to offer a unique and enjoyable gaming experience.

In 2023, we decided to pick up the old 1fx. Anticheat project from Henkie up again and bring it back to life. An improved version of 1fx Anticheat,
addressing known exploits and vulnerabilities. Just like 1fx's Anticheat, what Rox Anticheat sets itself apart is its commitment to a balanced approach
- it allows certain mods instead of blanket blocking and carefully whitelists approved files instead of an overly restrictive approach used by other anticheat solutions.

The Origin

The founders of the RoxMod project, met while working on separate projects for the same game.
Coincidentally, we both happened to be working on mods at the same time, with Aljaz's being named "SXR" and Benjamin's being named "ADN".
We eventually decided to join forces and create the Rox Mod project.

About the Name

After deciding to join forces and create a new mod project, we had to choose a name for the project.
We initially couldn't decide between using "SXR" or "ADN" as the name, so we came up with a new name instead: "RoxMod".
RoxMod has come to represent the enjoyable gaming experience offered by the mod.